Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Harlot returns

The Yarn Harlot was here in Atlanta promoting her new book today.

(Be warned: lots of pictures.)

Here is the line waiting to get into the theater for the Yarn Harlot program. We waited in line for about 45 minutes and we were even interviewed by the AJC while we waited.

Friends waiting for the program to begin.
From left to right: top row - Drue, Steve (Famous Steve) and Kate
bottom row - Katey (Snarky) and Lou

A very Blurry picture of Diana (blogless) and Sandy (HockeyMom) as we waited for the show to start.

The Infamous and beloved Chicken Goddess!

Does the Chicken Goddess know something about cake that I don't!?

Snarky Katey after she won a $300 ball of vicuna yarn in the raffle! Congratulations!!

The Yarn Harlot taking a picture of the crowd with her sock.

Diana (still blogless) and Meagan at Atkins Park restaurant/bar after the program.

Claudia and Phyllis at Atkins Park.

Lou (also blogless) and Sandy taking a picture for her blog at Atkins Park.

And lastly, on the way home I saw these cherry blossoms all over the ground in John Howell park on Virginia Ave. So I stopped and took some pictures. It was so cool to see the entire ground around the trees covered with little pink petals and the contrast with the dark roots of the trees.


  1. So glad you had a good day...and I LOVE that pic of the cherry blossoms in the park!

  2. Oh, good Lord, what a picture of me! I wasn't even drunk! (Ah, I sense this may have been the problem)

    Thanks again for the yurt, the horde love it. I'll be posting cute pictures tomorrow.

  3. Hizzah! for the Harlot.

    Loovvee the Cherry Blossoms.
