Friday, December 12, 2008

knitters in the wild

Isn't it amazing how you meet people sometimes! I was at the High Museum with my hubby last Friday and had a woman approach me and comment on my Noro Stripe scarf that I was wearing. I told her I made it myself and it was a pattern from Jared Flood/Brooklyn Tweed and she said she knew who that was and was making one herself too. I don't really like to talk when I'm in a museum, just one of my quirks, so I didn't even think to introduce myself or ask her what her name is, if she's on Ravelry, anything... duh.. Then she posted a comment in Atlanta Metro Ravelers about seeing a guy at the museum with the scarf on and KateyJ read it and thought, this has to be Steve, Doug, Lou or Brett. So Katey sent me a message asking if it was indeed one of us.
Since I then could go read the original post by Deb (aka losethemittens) I sent her a message introducing myself and thanking her for the compliment on my scarf. Another friend through Ravelry. :)

I always take my knitting with me to the museum since I usually get through the collection before the others and I have something to do while I wait. Nice place to knit and people watch. If you haven't seen the Terra Cotta Warriors at the High Museum, it's a very interesting exhibit. Some of the pieces are just amazing in the skill and detail. The last part of the exhibit from the Louvre is there now too. There is also an exhibit called Treasures from the Victoria and Albert. There are some stunning objects in this small wonderful collection.

This year I'm not really doing any Christmas knitting, other than some fingerless gloves for a co-worker for our secret santa exchange. After Christmas I want to go through my "idea journal" (really just a collection of slips of paper with drawings on them) and pick out some of the stuff I've thought of knitting. Mostly, I just scribble out drawings of what I think up and then spend several days trying to work them out in my head before actually starting to knit. Some of these ideas have been good and then some are like what you write down after a dream and then read later and say to yourself "WTF was I thinking"!?! It will also be good to go through the stack of patterns I have collected and sort them. I've also been looking for my pattern for the grey sweater I designed a few years ago so I can make another one. I know it's in there... somewhere.

Now a video of a song from a group called BearForce1 that is stuck in my head. If you have an aversion to muscles or furry men... don't watch. ;)


  1. It is a small world after all! I about fell on the floor when that guy almost fell off the water weanie! See ya Sunday...

  2. How can something be so so wrong and be so right all at the same time?
