It's been quite a while since my last post. I really do mean to post more often than bi-annually. Not that there hasn't been anything to post about, I just haven't had the inclination.
I guess the best way to start is with what I've been working on lately.
I started making a sweater in March "Welcome Back Old Friend" by Kathy Zimmerman. It was in Interweave Knits Fall 2002. The pattern is also available for download from Ravelry.
I'm using yarn that I bought a few years ago at SAFF. It's a blend of rayon/linen/acrylic and it's machine washable. (at least they said it was)
The front and one sleeve are on the blocking board drying now and I'll probably be able to block the other two tonight. I have to put the blocking board in the other room and block the door with a wire gate. I do that so the air can circulate in the room and also to keep Bob out as he likes to pull out the pins. I guess it's the colorful pinheads that attracts him or maybe he's just a bastard-cat. Probably the latter.
Once it's all together and the neck it finished I'll post some pictures of the finished sweater.
I had my third hernia surgery (within the last 15 years) the last week of March and it' all healed up nicely. I now have a large exclamation point scar on my belly with my belly button as the period!
( ! )
Sorry, no pictures of this.
Michael and I were supposed to go to New York for his oldest son Nicks wedding in June, but we just got the invitation last week (with the date of the wedding which wasn't a sure thing yet) and now we can't affford to go. We decided to use our vacation time and considerably less dinero elsewhere. It looks like we are headed to Arkansas to spend a week with family in a cabin. We tried to locate somewhere central to just about everyone so no one person has to travel too far. It's near Hot Springs and close to a lake so maybe I'll get some swimming in this year. I miss having a lake closeby to go swimming.